Social Impact

Public Interest Services



Please refer to the D-Tech website
for further details.

Business Purpose

Improving the Environment for the Physically and Mentally Challenged
In this Fourth Industrial Revolution founded on AI and robotics, we seek to leverage these advanced technologies to create an accommodating environment that eases the burden of people with physical and mental challenges.
Tangible Improvements Toward an Inclusive Society
We promote and advance inclusiveness by improving the lives of people who experience social disadvantages due to their physical or mental challenges. We also provide opportunities for the general society to understand fellow members facing challenges with compassion and empathy.
Promoting talented young leaders and startups
We develop and support projects conceptualized by talented young leaders who study or develop technology aimed to lessen the difficulties that accompany the physically and mentally challenged. We host a sustainable and stimulating environment by providing financial and legal support such that the selected young leaders and their projects can grow beyond the competition.

Business Categories

Competition Tracks

Track 1
Design Idea or Proposal via Development and Commercialization Plans
Track 2
Prototypes or products at the completion stage, and products or services with actual sales occurring.

Sponsoring Organization

